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Put on your war paint

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down

Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground

We are the jack-o-lanterns in July

Setting fire to the sky

Here, here comes this rising tide

So come on

Put on your war paint

Cross walks and crossed hearts

And hope-to-dies

Silver clouds with grey linings

So we can take the world back

From the heart-attacked

One maniac at a time we will take it back

You know time crawls on when you're

Waiting for the song to start

So dance along to the beat of your heart

Hey young blood

Doesn't it feel

Like our time is running out

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

You're wearing our vintage misery

No, I think it looked a little better on me

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Bring home the boys and

Scrap scrap metal the tanks

Get hitched and make a career out of

Robbing banks

Because the world is just a teller and

We are wearing black masks

“You broke our spirit,“ says the note we pass

So we can take the world back

From the heart-attacked

One maniac at a time we will take it back

You know time crawls on when you're

Waiting for the song to start

So dance along to the beat of your heart

Hey young blood

Doesn't it feel

Like our time is running out

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

You're wearing our vintage misery

No, I think it looked a little better on me

I'm gonna change you like a remix

Then I'll raise you like a phoenix

Put on your war paint

The war is won

Before it's begun

Release the doves

Surrender love

The war is won

Before it's begun

Release the doves



天籁小说推荐阅读: 我在东京开奇遇巫颂(下)美漫世界的铁血小队斗罗之天使传说原神之异世的风诡墅惊魂遮天之大道脸我的修士物语大有问题双飞燕拯救宇智波千寻疾遗言,我哥才是密室斗罗龙珠之极限之血全职法师之五元素一人我是张楚岚精灵之群星之巅火影:开局召开圣杯战争秦时:七国的天下,我全都要!木叶之宇智波的逆袭新黎爷的轨迹为何恋爱游戏的女主不太对劲身为反派被女主喜欢怎么办人在米花当坊主穿越斗破之称霸天下精灵降临:传奇训练家从斗罗拯救比比东开始斗破:我韩枫有大帝之姿忍者招募大师精灵之直播大师大数码时代三体星河,开局抽取大帝神格
天籁小说搜藏榜: 我的角色分身是美女龙族入学,我在卡塞尔怒爆黑日异世界最大公会的小文书员吞噬星空之无限机缘打不过就开挂呀,你以为呢?火影:成为日向赘婿的我要隐忍时空重逢名侦探世界里的巫师轮回眼中的火影斗罗:我的武魂会修炼超神:开局捡了只鹤熙狂影之灾随身空间从遮天开始魔王大人是个小天使超神之科技超神拔剑吧,星耀少女们!从全职法师开始的表白之旅从一拳开始的天才骑士超神学院:我在研究虚空劫数之天道轮回录火影之活久见龙珠之最强神话降临木叶:我加载了火影世界精灵之群星之巅斗罗之我有个大金钟超神机械师之镜面投影超神学院之联盟英雄统合体穿越斗罗之生死簿女神的黑暗系玩家穿越碧蓝航线日常记事
天籁小说最新小说: 宝可梦里的莽夫老板秦时召唤师列车求生:火力全开的我还是很慌斗罗:开局召唤晓组织完美世界石柒传从斗罗开始布局木叶之四代火影之子斗罗之武魂殿黄金一代从破落城堡开始召唤玩家美漫之心灵祈愿末法行堪录海贼王红伯爵我不太会训练精灵!妖怪流恋爱游戏柯南之酒厂在逃术士没有外挂只好在木叶刻芯片新三界行从海贼开始贩卖宝可梦斗罗:开局继承九彩神龙人在东京,爆更除灵海贼之惊世沙皇怪异代言人某科学的改造者人在木叶,慌得一批原神之剑鸿原神之斯巴达人我和白毛师傅的悠闲生活人在柱灭,开局医治无惨狐妖之雷君九千岁龙王传说之拥有全假面骑士力量